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קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש

Threat (Aggro/Hate) is generated based on damage done, healing done, and modifiers on certain abilities.[1][2]

  • In PvE, aggro against player characters is based on a hate table.[2]
  • In PvP, aggro may force target switching to the Tank. Feedback on this will be sought during testing.[3]
If we think about PVP settings and the role of taunt or hate, a lot of times for tanks in the MMOs that I've played- where you have a PvE and PvP scenario- those types of hate generation abilities don't really have cross application into the PVP realm; and that can feel bad, because typically a tank build-out can be delegated around how I generate hate; and if it has no cross application into PvP then effectively you're creating a class composition that just is not relevant in half of the game, or in that area of the game. So when we talk about how we're going to apply hate to player targets or taunt to player targets, sometimes that can move into the realm of target switching, or the ability to demand that target on the tank in a PvP scenario as well. That's something that we need to get player feedback on, because there's a lot of strong emotions around that type of mechanic. I for one am a big proponent of that. I think it's interesting. I think that it plays into the role of the tank and that it it hits a class fantasy that most tank players want to feel. And I think however on the flip side of that, it is a source of control; and anytime you're under the effects of some source of control, it's going to be a feel bad moment for the target that's being controlled. So that's why I think it generates a lot of feelings on both sides of the aisle.[3]Steven Sharif
  • Detargeting is the act of removing hate/threat/aggro from an enemy.[3]
  • There will be a taunt skill available at higher levels than what has been previewed so far for אלפא-2.[4]
Q: There were a lot of concerns about threat [in the Alpha-2 Tank preview video]. A lot of people didn't understand how holding threat works, because you weren't holding threat at some point.
A: It's important to remember that these previews are done at a very low-level, so these are low-level skills and abilities that the archetypes have available to them; and so because of that, some of the functionality from these abilities they don't necessarily perform as well as you would want them to in a later stage of the game for that role. Now also keep in mind that balance is a perspective that needs to be incorporated also. So, threat is generated based off of a few factors: It's based off of damage done, it's based off of healing done, it's based off of threat generation modifiers that are on abilities. Now the tank in this situation I believe has two abilities that are going to generate additional threat. They have the slicing- the number two ability; and then they also have the shout ability. Both of those are creating additional threat. But with that being said, we need to tune probably those abilities up a little bit to contend with the DPS that's coming both from the ranger and with the heals that are coming out of the cleric.[1]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Ancestral Bolas Ancestral Bolas.png Tank Throws a magical web of bolas at the target location. All enemies within are snared and build additional hate towards the tank every second. Enemies entering or exiting the radius will be tripped.[6]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Tank Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[7][8]
Hatred V Tank Ability Active.png Tank Single target that adds hate.[5]
Inciting Strikes IncitingStrikesIcon.png Tank Slashes twice in a forward cone while adding additional threat.[9]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Tank Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[10]
Slam Slam.png Tank Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[11]